About Us


Note !

This does not apply to individual hivemates, just us collectively. Individual hivemates have their own names, pronouns, and preferences for terms, which they have listed on their mini-profiles if they felt it necessary.

How To Refer To Us - Names

Each of us have our own names, so we prefer having those used for us when referring to specific hivemates. The names listed here are our collective names, you can use these when referring to all of us or no specific hivemates.

  • Novak / November

Primary Name - We prefer this name over all others. "Novak" is a nickname for "November", slight preference for "Novak".

  • Toby / Tobias / October

Secondary Name - We prefer this name over all except Novak/November. "Toby" and "Tobias" are nicknames for "October", we have a slight but overall insignificant preference for "October".

  • Treehouse

Tertiary Name - This is our old username, we still have a significant attachment to it so still like it being used for us.

  • Mothical / Mothicality

These are our usernames, we use them pretty much everywhere. You're fine to call us these, but we prefer the names above.

  • Moth / Cal

These are nicknames based on our usernames. Again, you're fine to call us these, but we prefer the names above. These are also the names of two of our parts, so it might be a bit confusing, but none of us mind them being collectively used.

How To Refer To Us - Pronouns

There is definitely a better way to explain all this, but I don't know it, so you have to put up with this. This guide as a whole really isn't necessary, but I always end up confusing myself (and probably others) when I try to explain, and I always feel the need to be hyperspecific, so this is... hopefully not too confusing. Idk, I tried.The very simple version is we use any and all pronouns except for they/them and she/her (and neos that sound similar), refer to us collectively as a single entity but individually as separate persons, and don't use you& for us.

Third Person Singular

(ex. he/she/etc. what people usually mean when talking about their pronouns)

We're alright with any Third Person Singular pronouns, except for they/them.
We primarily use He/Him/His and It/It/Its pronouns, but we actively use all neopronouns as well.
She/Her/Hers and similar pronouns (ex. zie/hir) should only be used for us alongside other pronouns and in a way unrelated to femininity/girlhood, especially in the way you'd refer to inanimate objects (ex. boats) as 'she'.
Sophia is an exception to this, you can refer to her exclusively as 'she' in a girl way as she is a girl.
We prefer having several sets of pronouns used for us at once, but this is just a preference, not a requirement.
You're welcome to just use one set for us if you'd prefer, as long as it isn't she/her.
Please use He/She singularly (i.e. himself/herself). Other pronouns can be either singular or plural (i.e. itself or itselves, xierself or xierselves, etc.), we don't have a preference for one or the other.

Third Person Plural

(they/them, specifically when referring to a group of people)

When referring to all of us or to us as a collective entity, please refer to us as a single individual (with Third Person Singular pronouns). If you're referring to some but not all of us, you should use Third Person Plural (they/them).
If you're referring to us and people who aren't part of the House, you should use Third Person Plural there as well.

Second Person Plural & Singular

(these are both "you" pronouns, so grouping them together)

You can refer to us as "yourself" or "yourselves", we don't mind either. We really like when people pluralise "you" as "yous" for us, so you're encouraged to do that. Please don't ever use "you&" for us.

First Person Singular & Plural

(I/me/my/mine/myself & we/us/our/ours/ourselves)

We use both of these interchangeably, "I" can refer both to just the part currently speaking and it can refer to our entire House (ex. "I went to the store earlier"). "We" refers to the whole House, but we also use it for things just one part did (ex. "We went to the store earlier").

How To Refer To Us - Gendered Terms

Terms we like

  • Guy

  • Brother

  • Any non-human terms (entity, creature, etc.)

Terms we're okay with

  • Gull

  • Any masculine terms (boy, man, bro, king, etc.)

  • Any neutral terms (person, sibling, etc.)

Terms we dislike (do not use these)

  • Any feminine terms (girl, woman, sis, queen, etc.)

We like being called Queer and self-identify as such. We're also fine with fag/faggot and dyke, and sometimes self-identify as such. This all only applies when not used with malicious intent, of course.We don't have any particular preferences for more general terms.

How To Refer To Us - Plural Terms

Terms we personally use and prefer

  • House

  • Hivemates

  • Parts > Facets > Selves

  • Segments

  • Members

We collectively make up the House. Everyone who is part of the house is a Hivemate. Most of us are Parts of a whole, each Part is made up of Segments (sub-parts that make up a whole part). Hivemates that aren't Parts are Members. Facets and Selves are synonyms for Parts, we prefer Parts but are fine with all of them.

  • Present

Being present in the body, or being aware of / interacting with what's happening in the outerworld.
Level of presence and location of presence varies, we don't have specific terms for this beyond describing it.

  • Bodylocked

Being unable to leave the body, constantly being the only one present in the body. Others may still be present elsewhere (in different parts of the head, usually) but have to communicate through the one who is bodylocked.

  • Role Terms

  • (Host, Protector, Anxiety Holders, etc.)

These describe what each of us mainly do, outside existing. Protectors, well, protect us, typically by being present in stressful situations. Anxiety Holders, well, hold anxiety, typically by being present during anxiety inducing situations. The Host is the primary presence in the body, though we do not consider Bodylocked parts Hosts.

Terms we're kinda iffy with, but still use

  • Origin Terms

  • (traumagenic, parogenic, endogenic, quoigenic, mixed origins)

  • Median

  • Monoconscious

  • Parasian

  • Diversian

These are terms we don't have better alternatives to, other than describing the experience without a term, so we do still use them to easily and quickly describe our experiences.

  • Paromate (specifically refers to Ezi)

We use this term and Parogenic specifically to encourage others to move away from Tulpa terminology.

  • Core

This is, again, a term we don't have a better alternative to, though we use it differently than how it's primarily used in plural spaces. Our Core is the identity all our Parts are connected to, and experience in addition to their own identities. You could say that the Core is what we're all Parts of. You can see more about it on the Core page.

Terms we use to make ourselves more easily understood, but don't prefer using

  • System

  • Plural

  • Fronting

  • Switching

  • Co-Conscious

  • Co-Fronting

Terms we don't use and do not want used for us

  • Alter

  • Apparently Normal Part (ANP) / Emotional Part (EP)

  • Polyfragmented

  • Multiple

These can be summed up as being primarily related to Complex Dissociative Disorders (CDDs), which are DID, OSDD-1, and P-DID. The reason we don't use these terms is because we do not have a CDD, so they are not our terms to use.

  • Original

This term does not apply to us, as we do not have an "original part" - there has always been several of us.

  • Headmate

  • Sysmate

We don't have a specific reason to dislike these terms, we just aren't comfortable with them being used for us.

  • Tulpa / Tulpagenic

This term has a racist and appropriative origin, various discussions of this has been collected in this document.

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(all are psychological)

Dogs / Dog Symbolism

Dave Strider

Chloe Price

Jinx / Powder


